How great it is to be inspired weekly, so here's our latest InteresThing Sharing!
Summary: A Facebook app where you can send your friend a can of Heinz soup with a Get Well personalize message to cheer them up.
Summary: C&A Fashion facilitated validation of people’s choices via Facebook Like, bringing that dynamic into the stores. And reassured customers on what they’re buying is a great choice.
Summary: Every programmer have their coding style. CSScomb can help programmers when they take over a project, sorting the styles that they familiar with, making their life easier when they are going thru the stylesheet.
Summary: M&M’s, is doing something a little different over in Denmark. It utilises Bookmark which turns every website into part of the M&M’s “Space Heroes” internet invasion game. This style of creative strategy has been hotting up of late, with brands delivering interactive experiences accessible on any website.
Title: ONE MINUTE FLY shared by Yongjue
Summary: This beautifully animated video carries an important message: Life is short. Treasure every second.
Many people out there work day in day out without much accomplishment in at work. They don't realise that time is actually ticking fast. If we only had one year, one month, or even just one minute left to live, what would you do differently at work? What are some of the things you said you wanted to achieve, but you haven't?
The question then, is - What can you start today to achieve what you want in your career? Start doing it now!
Summary: Day by day designer loaded with tons of jobs, deadlines, pressure & etc. The meaning of designing seems to get unclear, and for some, they don't even realise that they are actually a designer. Let's revive our thought to see what the other designer talks about & start finding your design purpose.
Oh yes! we’re all pumped up for the week.
Happy Workday everyone! :D
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