Friday, June 22, 2007

Can advertising save lives?

The annual Cannes Advertising Award is on again. All the eyes of the adverting world are on this event now, it's exactly like the Oscar of advertising.

As an advertising man myself, i always hold the believe that what we are doing is no big deal. We are not saving lifes nor curing cancer, so what's the big deal for helping some big fat business to sell more shampoo? So many would think that those advertising awards are just self-indulging events of the industry.

But the outdoor category grand prix winner of this year really made a difference.

It's a billboard in a rural area in South Africa. As what the copy of the billboard promised, on top of the billboard are 2 solar power generator that really provide electricity to power a primary school's kitchen in the community. Play the video see it for yourself.

So now who says advertising can't be saving lifes?

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